Saturday, February 11, 2017

Power Lines and Friends

Today we drove down to Cincinnati to meet up with some friends to run in Mt Airy Forest and do the power line run.  I've been wanting to run back down there since running a Stone Steps Fat Ass a few years ago.  I'm not familiar with the trails, so having others is helpful.  Also, I needed to get some good climbing in, and running the power lines was a perfect way to do that!

It's amazing how many people I have met here in OH that run trails.  It is a great community of runners and I love it!  There were a few people that I haven't seen in ages, and we picked up like we've been running together each week.  It was also nice to meet some new folks as well.

I was able to get Mark to come out for the first 5 miles of the course, and at one time he was leading us.  Neither of us are sure how he ended up there, but he did good.

After the first 5 mile loop, we headed off to the power lines.  And they didn't disappoint....

What a fun day, we even got to see Nancy at the end of her power line power hike!

Proof that I completed the entire track, touching "Nancy's Fence" (PC Mike Rioux):

For lunch, we decided to forgo the post-run beer, since we wanted to enjoy the great weather and go flying for a bit.  He needed some instrument approaches, so we went out and did some flying.  

Since I don't plan to run tomorrow, here are this week's stats:

37.6 miles, 8 hours and 4000 feet.  I was feeling tired and have either a sinus infection or a head cold, so I didn't run as much as I had expected, but it was a good week. 

Here's hoping to getting a chance to fly next week to GDR Training Camp.  I'm excited to see some of the course.

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